Healthy Treats for Good Eats | Im Blowing Off Steam

There are so many treats and so little time! How can you tell whether or not you are giving your pet something that is both healthy and tasty? Can you trust the bright packaging and claims of being nutritious? Do you prefer specific brand names? The only way to know for certain is to read the label on the back of the packaging.
Dog eating a nice dog treat while closing eyes.

If you take the time to do this for your pet's regular meals, you should remain meticulous about the treats you offer. You also need to consider the reason your pet is getting the treats. Just as we must work for our pay, so should your pet. There is a saying, "Nothing in life is free." This means each treat should be earned. Doing so will make your pet more interactive with you and happier in general as she now has something to do.

Read the Labels

Don't let the fancy packaging make you buy the product. Read the label. Be certain to avoid the following ingredients:

  • Wheat   
  • Soy    
  • Corn    
  •  BHA/BHT    
  • Meat flavoring    
  • Food colorings

You want to give your pet something that won't cause an allergic reaction or illness. All of the above ingredients can do so. Dogs and cats were not designed to digest grains such as wheat and corn. Soy can also prove troublesome to some animals, though not as prevalent as wheat and corn.

Preservatives are often used in the soft, chewy types of treats. While this may appear attractive to you with all the colors making the treat appear to be real bacon, beef chunks or vegetables, they can cause numerous health issues to your pet - digestive disorders, flaky skin, and even cancer.

Healthy Treats

There are many super healthy treats on the market. They may not have bright packaging or attractive appearances, but they have appropriate, healthy ingredients that will aid in keeping your pet in top condition and be of high value to your pet. High value meaning your pet will do anything to get one!

Choose treats that are 100% meat; or contain mostly meat with some whole vegetables such as sweet potato, green beans, pumpkin, cranberries, and blueberries. Pets need their antioxidants just as much as we do. When choosing treats for your cat, however, stick to 100% real meat as they are obligate carnivores, which means they require high protein meats and very little carbohydrates in their diets.

Nothing in Life if Free

You may have trouble ignoring those big brown eyes begging for goodies, but you must. Instead, get more involved with your pet by teaching her to perform something to earn her treats. Animals love to learn, especially when there are rewards given for doing so.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Have your dog sit prior to getting a treat, or his meals    
  • Have your cat come to you    
  •  Teach your dog to roll over
  • Teach your cat to sit and sit-up    
  • Trade a toy your dog just fetched for a treat. 

This will teach your dog to return to you with the toy. These are just a few examples that will take mere moments of your time but improve the relationship you have with your pet.

Giving your pet healthy treats will ensure his physical well-being; making him earn them ensures the two of you enjoy each other for a lifetime.
