According to the age-old cartoon character named "Bugs Bunny", all a rabbit needs to maintain their happiness is a never-ending supply of carrots.
Bugs Bunny |
While this may be true for Bugs, a pet rabbit needs a lot more than an orange vegetable to keep it healthy and well.
Rabbits Indoors
Rabbits are like dogs and cats in that they can either be kept inside or outdoors. Their thick fur helps to insulate their bodies from the cold.If you choose to keep your rabbit inside, then a cage will make a good home.
The cage will need to have a layer of sawdust, cedar shavings, or straw put in the bottom.
You'll need to remove the layer every day and replace it with clean material in order to keep your rabbit's cage sanitary.
Rabbits Outdoors
Outside, a rabbit hutch is a more suitable home.A hutch for one pet rabbit should be approximately four feet long and a couple of feet wide.
You can build a nice hutch by first making a wood frame. Section off one end of the frame with additional wood.
This part of the hutch will be your pet rabbit's sleeping area. Attach four wood legs so the hutch stands about four feet high off the ground.
Cover the top with plywood and a layer of shingles. Of course, you'll need to make a large door frame that is attached to the frame with hinges.
The door frame will need to be large enough to accommodate your rabbit.
Plus, you'll need to clean the hutch out via this opening. Then, cover the entire hutch with chicken wire.
Winter and Summer
During the cold winter months, your pet rabbit can usually remain outside in his or her hutch.Use old rugs or tarps to cover the top and sides of its home. If the temperature dips too low, you can always move your pet inside temporarily.
Then, in the hot summer months, you can hang tarps over the top of your rabbit's hutch. The tarps will provide needed shade from the hot sun.
Whenever you pick your furry friend up, you'll need to do it properly so you don't hurt him or her.Gently grab your pet by the scruff of its neck. Then, pick it up and keep it against your chest with a hand underneath its hindquarters to support it.
Never, ever pick your bunny up by its ears!
Male rabbits are called "bucks" while the females are known as "does." No matter whether you have a buck or a doe, all rabbits love vegetables.But, just like a man can't live on bread alone, rabbits can't live on vegetables alone. They also need to eat a product called rabbit pellets.
Rabbit pellets |
Rabbit pellets provide additional nutrition they need to stay healthy. These are readily available at your local feed store or pet shop.
You can also pick blades of grass and clover out of your yard and feed that to your furry friend.
He or she will also munch on hay and oats. Just like dogs, cats, and other pets, your rabbit will need a bowl of freshwater in its cage or hutch at all times.
Rabbits don't usually require vaccinations and shots like other animals do.But, it would still be a good idea to take your rabbit to the veterinarian at least once a year for a check-up.
If he or she shows signs of illness, you'll need to immediately call your veterinarian to schedule an appointment.
Unusual signs you should watch for are matted or runny eyes, constipation, diarrhea, runny nose, excess or lack of thirst, and a lack of energy, just to name a few.
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